Thursday, January 10, 2008
Happy New Year! It is such a blessing and honor to be back! I would like to thank everyone that faithfully logged in each week during the 1st series, those who made comments, and those that have chosen to return. To the new viewers, I’d like to say “welcome” to Wife Talk.
I chose to take time off from the blog during the holidays, and by doing so, it gave me the opportunity to reflect on the new series of topics, as well as the overall goal of this blog (which is listed below). My prayer is that God continues to be glorified in every topic, and that each Wife Talk viewer receives exactly what you need. Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated.
Wife talk is a weekly inspirational column for wives. This column is not based on the advice or guidance of any professional counselors or psychologists. It is the thoughts and opinions of a wife of eight years, and her friends who have been married anywhere from 2-10 years. It is based on the personal experiences of these women. This column will reveal some of the common ups and downs, ins and outs, highs and lows of marriage from their point of view. The column is raw and honest, but at the same time; it has a spiritual perspective on each topic. This column will cover what’s on the hearts and minds of women who are in both loving and nurturing marriages, as well as those who are in abusive marriages, and anything in between. It will cover what works in marriages, and what doesn’t; why women stay, and why they so often contemplate leaving. It will also provide a much needed support system for wives who want to connect with other women who share the same commonalities within marriages.
My hope is that as wives, we learn and understand what it truly means to be a husbands’ helpmate. The column topics for our second series are listed below (an *has been placed in front of the topic requested by a viewer in which I changed the topic name).
*Low Self-Esteem (what it does to a relationship)
Holding Grudges
Is He Listening?
Feeling Unappreciated
Walking in His Shoes (put yourself in his place)
The Other Woman (mother of your stepchildren and/or your mother-in-law)
Setting Goals for Your Marriage
Keeping It Fresh (how to keep the fire burning)
Purpose as a Couple (fulfilling God’s plan for your marriage)
Do You! (2nd most important thing a wife can do for her husband)
Find the jewel in you, see the gem in him!