I would like to welcome everyone back to the weekly issue of Wife Talk. I know that I’ve been away for a good period of time now, however; I’ve been in a transitioning period over the past several months. Since ending series 2 in March 2008, my husband and I have moved to a new city, started new businesses and I’ve found a new church family. Having said this, I want every reader to know that I’ve missed blogging and reaching out to those of you who have supported me since column one (September 2007) and those who have been wondering if Wife Talk would ever return. To those of you who are new to the column; thanks for logging in. I hope that you not only enjoy the column, but that you are inspired by it.
During this series of Wife Talk columns, I would like to focus on more heartfelt topics that we often experience by expanding upon previously blogged Wife Talk issues as well as introducing new topics. While taking a blogging break, I had the opportunity to reflect upon what’s next for Wife Talk. It came to me that I need to push the envelope more. I’ve written about my own experiences as well as the experiences of many of the wonderful women/wives that I have the privilege of calling friends and family, however; I have to admit that I’ve held back a bit for fear of being too detailed with sharing one’s business. God has brought me to the realization that this blog is meant to allow wives’ to know and appreciate the fact that they are not alone in the things that they go through within their marriages. God gave me the vision of Wife Talk to serve a purpose. So, since I’ve agreed to be obedient to His will and follow His instruction, I’m challenging myself to let go and allow God to have His way with me. I’m surrendering as He uses me as His vessel while He shapes this column for His purposes, and His purposes only! Therefore, I will meditate longer, think a little deeper, and be even more prayerful so that I give you (the reader) the best that I and Wife Talk have to offer!!! Thanks again for logging in and always remember: