Matthew 7:1-2
I will answer the final of three (3) questions for this Series, “Am I the kind of wife that God wants me to be?” Absolutely Not! I strive to be obedient to God to become the kind of wife that I know He created me to be, prayerful, obedient and faithful! I am still a work in progress!
This week I would like to answer the question, “What kind of wife am I”? I aspire to be a wife whose actions speak volumes to her husband about the life that she lives for Christ. A “Wife of Noble Character” is described in Proverbs 31. I read about her regularly and she is my role model. I desire to follow in her footsteps, being an obedient servant to God and a wife who is praised by her husband for doing so. I want to be the best helpmate to my husband that I can possibly be and I hope he realizes how blessed that he is that God chose me for him.
Praying for your husband is both a responsibility and a privilege and praying for my husband is one of my favorite things to do! I encourage each of you to try the challenge of “Praying for Your Husband for Thirty (30) Days.” You can find it at .
*The Promise of Marriage
Marriage is a promise of companionship, of having someone to share all of life’s experiences.
Marriage does not promise that there will not be any rough times, just the assurance that there will always be someone who cares and will help you through to better times.
Marriage does not promise eternal romance, just eternal love and commitment. Marriage can’t prevent disappointments, disillusionment, or grief, but it can offer hope, acceptance, and comfort.
Marriage can’t protect you from making individual choices or shelter you from the world, but it will help to reassure you that there is someone by your side who truly cares. When the world hurts you and makes you feel vulnerable, marriage offers the promise that there will be someone waiting to listen, to console, to inspire.
Marriage is the joining of two people who share the promise that only marriage can make—to share the sunshine and the shadows, and to experience a richer, more fulfilling life because of it.
Bettie Meeks
*The Promise of Marriage is taken from: The Language of Marriage, a Blue Mountain Arts Collection, SPS Studios, Inc.
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