Other People’s Property
Hosea 3:1
“The Lord said to me, Go show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.”
When I read this scripture, it made me realize that only the will of God could make me stay with my husband in the matter of adultery or infidelity. The knowledge of unfaithfulness would be enough to send one’s mind racing with not only the thought of how this could happen, but why? In an instant, the mind would begin to brainstorm, listing all of the reasons why this should definitely not occur. I’m a good wife, I work hard, I’m loving, supportive, a good housekeeper, we have a healthy intimate relationship, I’m prayerful and encouraging, I’m the mother of his children, and so on and so on. All of these things would make the list I’m sure, but none of it is enough to keep the unthinkable from happening.
It’s so easy to assume that being married is an automatic pass that eliminates you from being a potential candidate for an episode of “Cheaters”. Although marriage should end ones desire to “sow his royal oats”, adultery can and does happen within a lot of marriages today. Adultery is one of the most common reasons why couples divorce within our society, leading me to again ask the question, what’s lacking in the relationship? The lack may be with one or the other of you, or within the marriage as a whole. It’s challenging enough to work on maintaining a healthy marriage, and to find out that your spouse is making nice with someone else is not the answer. This could bring your marriage to a screeching halt when you thought that you were cruising along just fine. It doesn’t matter how pretty, intelligent, loyal, supportive, prayerful, dutiful or great you are in bed, adultery can and does happen. The deception is enough to make you want to hurt somebody. When adultery occurs, it shatters the family structure. You wonder does the other person know that your spouse is married; and if so, what kind of a person would wreak havoc on a marriage? What if you found out that your spouse has developed feelings for this individual and more than sleeping together has taken place? Is your health at risk? All of these things are placed on the table when the sacred vow of matrimony is tarnished.
If this were to happen to you, would you be willing to put the pieces back together? Do you think that you could love your spouse and forgive him for the ultimate act of betrayal? Would you be willing to put your trust in him again? Would you have thoughts of what it would say about you if you did accept a cheating spouse back into your life, your bed, your heart?
Hosea 3:1
“The Lord said to me, Go show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.”
This Summary of scripture reads: This short chapter pictures the nation’s exile and return. Israel would experience a time of purification in a foreign land, but God would still love the people and would be willing to accept them back. God commanded Hosea to show the same forgiving spirit to Gomer. Although Hosea had good reason to divorce Gomer, he was told to buy her back and love her.
*Scripture quotation and summary are taken from the Life Application Bible (NIV).
To accept an adulterous spouse back into your life would say a lot about you, it would be the ultimate act of Godliness. It takes a very special and faithful person to be obedient to God’s will. After all, we only want His will to be done in our lives, and our marriages. Take each and every matter to God and allow Him to guide you back to love. It’s not to say that it would be easy, but your marriage can be restored.
Find the Jewel in You, see the Gem in Him!
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