Thursday, August 20, 2009

From the Heart of Treazure, Part II

I’m sincerely grateful to have finished writing about divorce, the first topic for Wife Talk Series Three (3). Now it is time to move on to the next topic of this series, abuse. Although there are several different types of abuse that can occur, I will be writing about four (4), (verbal, mental, emotional, and physical), and the effects that each has on a marriage. This subject is particularly challenging for me to write about as I have either witnessed or experienced abuse in one form or another.

Abuse is more common amongst women than you may think, but it’s usually kept quiet in most households. I realize that I have to be willing to be used in a mighty way to cover this subject as it hits close to home in so many ways. I’m not so sure that this subject matter is meant for me to write either as a means to offer suggestions on how to keep abusive marriages together or for me to bring to light a common, yet sensitive, topic that has to be addressed to promote empowerment amongst those who are being victimized in their relationships. I hope that I will have your prayers as I am lead to be obedient to God’s instructions as He uses me to share my personal thoughts and experiences with you about abuse.

Also during this series, I will answer the second of three (3) questions, “What type of wife do I aspire to be?” You can find my response in the Hidden Treazure section of the blog page. Thanks so much for your readership, each of you are such a wonderful blessing to Wife Talk!

Find the Jewel in You, See the Gem in Him!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! You are a courageous woman and I pray that God will be your guide as you get into this sensitive topic. Thank you for your strength that enables so many others to search for the strength that they too posess.