Thursday, October 1, 2009

From the Heart of Treazure, Part III

I’m astonished as I realize that Wife Talk Series Three (3) is drawing to a close! There are two topics (divorce and abuse) that I have written about thus far; however, I feel like this Series is just beginning. As I am writing this, I’m reflecting on the previously written topics of this Series, and I feel such an immense sense of gratitude that I made it through. Each topic has its own place of importance in my life and in sharing of my thoughts and experiences; I’ve grown in ways that I never imagined possible.

As I prepare to write about the final topic of this Series, “Serving God Together, Believers & Unbelievers”, I am anxious to share the message. If any of the three topics could best describe my long-awaited and most recent desire, this subject matter tops the list. There are a number of wonderful God-fearing women that I am blessed to have as friends and family members who are married and share this same desire for their spouses. I know a few good God-fearing single women who desire a believing spouse as their own. I understand that each of us is exactly where we are meant to be spiritually, and if we are not on the same page with our spouses, it is important to be prayerful and patient. God has a mighty plan in store for each marriage relationship and knowing the details of His plan is not always revealed in our timing, but in His. It is a privilege to know that God may want to use you as a helpmate to assist Him in turning an unbelieving spouse to a “believer.” How awesome would that be?

In discussing “Serving God Together, Believers & Unbelievers,” I will offer suggestions on being patient with an unbelieving spouse, the importance of prayer during the manifestation period, and allowing God to be in control of the situation. I will also answer the last of three (3) questions “Am I the kind of wife that God wants me to be?” that I posed to myself and each of you at the on-set of the Series. My response to this question will be located in the Hidden Treazure section of the blog page. This Series has been a journey of both courage and faith. I thank God for carrying me along the way and for each of you that have become a part of the Wife Talk family!

Find the Jewel in You, See the Gem in Him!

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